Martha's Update : Memory Walking








Honor A Caregiver

Martha's Update

by Clarence Davan on 12/16/10

Martha and I want to wish all our Family and Friends a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2011. Our Children and Grandchildren will gather with Martha and I to celebrate Christmas. It is wonderful for Martha and me to have all our Family living so close to us. Thank you to all for your thoughtfulness, support and prayers!

I'm  sad to report; Martha had a massive seizure on November 29th and was in the hospital for 9 days. The seizure was so massive it broke both her femurs above her knees. Martha's Alzheimer's condition did not permit the doctors to do orthopedic surgery. She is in the Life Care Center in Littleton, CO with outstanding Hospice care. The staff there has been over the top. Her room is decorated with a Christmas tree and some of her favorite figurines, including a Nativity scene that has adorned our home for many years!  One of Martha's favorite Holidays is Christmas. My Family and I will always cherish the "Good Times" we spent together at Christmas. God Bless you all!

Comments (1)

1. Adi said on 12/16/10 - 07:49PM
Thank you. Dav. God bless you and Martha.

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